Howdy, Medicare members

Ready for a $0 deductible?

Choose Harbor Health ACO and receive no deductible for the rest of 2024! Give us a call to learn more at 512-400-3108.

For eligible members*

Sign up

Who is Harbor Health?

We’re Austin’s favorite (and fastest-growing) care group, and we’re dedicated to doing health differently. At Harbor Health, we don’t prescribe health, we work with you to make it happen. It’s our special approach to care called “co-creation, ” (and we think you’ll really like it).

If you qualify for the Harbor Health ACO, we invite you to choose us as your main care provider so that you can realize great care - without any deductible for the rest of 2024.

Frequently asked questions

Is this offer real?

What is an ACO?

What does it mean to “choose” Harbor Health as my main doctor?

Do I have to do this?

Does this affect my benefits?

If I choose Harbor Health as my main doctor, does it mean I can’t see any other doctors?

What if I change my mind?

What if I’ve already chosen a doctor within a different ACO?

Why should I do this? What’s in it for me?


Dedicated Health Team


Medicare accepted


Primary & specialty care


Evening & weekend hours


Virtual care


24/7 access to nurse, pharmacist & health coach

Why choose us?

Choosing Harbor Health ACO means that you won’t have to go it alone anymore. From your first appointment, you’ll be matched with a dedicated Health Team that will help you create an abundance of health—on your terms.

*Once confirmed eligible, offer applies to deductible amounts up to $240 payable to Harbor Health Medical Group for eligible Medicare Part B services through the end of the calendar year. Offer funded by Harbor Health ACO, LLC.